Computer Keyboarding
Designed to increase student keyboarding skill through drill practice and reinforcement of correct techniques. Students will use word processing software to create, format, and edit personal and business documents.
Computer Applications
COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (Semester – 0708-260002) This course will satisfy the computer requirement by the State of Alabama for graduation. This course is designed to provide an understanding of the basic concepts and skills regarding knowledge of computer processing with minimum proficiency in computer operations and the effect of software applications in business activities. Students will be introduced to software word processing, spreadsheets, and databases. To enroll in this course, the student must have taken keyboarding in middle school; otherwise, the student needs to enroll in Business Technology Essentials (which includes keyboarding at the beginning of the semester). Grade: 9-12 Prerequisite: Keyboarding or Keyboarding Teacher’s Recommendation.
NOTE: JMIA uses the same course descriptions and curriculum guides as the Huntsville City Schools.
For the keyboarding course, JMIA uses the following online course.
TypingWeb is a free online typing tutor & keyboarding tutorial for typists of all ages. All skill levels benefit from TypingWeb’s free keyboarding lessons.
For the Computer Applications software JMIA uses MICROSOFT TRAINING COURSES. See below for more information.
Most of our students are visual learners and online courses are more conducive to their style of learning.
The courses are taught on an individual level. The students learn on their rate of completion.
If completer the required training courses, they are given advance work such as work on the student yearbook, etc.
Word 2003 training courses
Excel 2003 training courses
PowerPoint 2003 training courses
Outlook 2003 training courses
Utilizing Word Templates
Utilizing Excel Templates
Utilizing PowerPoint Templates
Utilizing Office Templates
Technology is further incorporated into our curricula by utilizing the MICROSOFT LESSON PLANS
PowerPoint Tutorial – Adding sound