Health Issues


Health Issues

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  MEDLINEplus enables users to find information about hundreds of diseases, conditions, and wellness issues. It includes links to information resources of the National Institutes of Health, as well…  (National Library of Medicine, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  The Office of Science Education features free educational materials and outreach programs at the NIH, a video and slide program of speakers discussing Hollywood movies that have a medical science theme, original…  (National Institutes of Health)
  EXCITE (Teaching Epidemiology) is a collection of teaching materials for teaching students about public health and epidemiology. Materials focus on principles and practices of epidemiology, including the scientific…  (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  Beyond Discovery traces the origins of technological and medical advances. Learn about the genetics of ear wax, a vaccine to control malaria, DNA barcoding, aging and the human brain, a genetic…  (National Academy of Sciences)
  Science Education includes booklets on cells, genes, health, chemistry, and medicines. The booklets explore advances in the development and delivery of drugs, links between genes and diseases, how…  (National Institute of General Medical Sciences, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  Cell Biology and Cancer features five activities for helping students understand key concepts about cancer — that “cancer” is a group of more than 100 diseases, that it develops due to loss of control of…  (National Cancer Institute, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases explores factors associated with disease emergence and re-emergence and considers the human activities that can increase or decrease the likelihood of outbreaks of infectious diseases…  (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  NIH Curriculum Supplement Series offers web-based instructional modules based on cutting-edge scientific discoveries. Topics include cell biology and cancer, infectious diseases, human genetic variation, sleep…  (National Institutes of Health)
  The Brain: Understanding Neurobiology Through the Study of Addiction helps students discover the fundamentals of neurobiology and how drugs change the brain. Among the topics: functions of specific brain areas; anatomy of the neuron…  (National Institute on Drug Abuse, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  Chemicals, the Environment, and You provides lessons for learning about the relationship between chemicals in the environment and human health. Topics include the science of toxicology, dose-response relationships…  (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  Sleep, Sleep Disorders, and Biological Rhythms helps students understand basic scientific principles related to the nature and function of sleep and its effects on human health. Lessons focus on the biology of sleep and its…  (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  Open Wide and Trek Inside examines the mouth and its various purposes, different types of teeth and their functions, bacteria that live in the mouth, and the processes of tooth decay and oral disease. The site…  (National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  ChemLinks Coalition offers resources for the first 2 years of college chemistry. Topics include global warming, ozone, fats in our diet, computer chip thermochemistry, making water safe to drink, what’s…  (Beloit College, supported by National Science Foundation) offers an animated tour of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recommended “nutrition pyramid.” Explore the food groups. Assess your food intake and physical activity levels. See a…  (Department of Agriculture)
  Online Health Science Curriculum provides over 300 interdisciplinary activities designed to help students learn about blood, bones, the brain, cardiovascular system, diabetes, forces and motion, health careers…  (The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  Inside Cancer uses animations and videoclips of experts to reveal what is known about cancer. Learn about kinds of cancer, how they start (cell mutations), and their distribution worldwide. Explore…  (National Center for Research Resources, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  LifeWorks explores careers in health and medical sciences. See interviews with more than 70 professionals — a chemist, dentist, dietician, epidemiologist, lab technologist, medical illustrator…  (National Institutes of Health)
  Bioed Online features lessons on the water cycle and global warming, the X chromosome, sleep and daily rhythms, muscles and bones, and food and fitness. Experts offer presentations (streaming…  (Baylor College of Medicine, supported by Multiple Agencies)
  The Science of Healthy Behaviors introduces middle school students to the scientific study of behavior. Lessons focus on defining “behavior,” what influences it, surveys, and behavioral specialists in health care…  (National Institutes of Health)
  Science of Mental Illness provides six lessons that help students understand what mental illnesses are. PET images show changes in the brain and how treatment can change activity levels and restore…  (National Institutes of Health)
  Science of Energy Balance: Calorie Intake and Physical Activity helps us strive toward energy balance. Lessons and activities reveal what energy is, how our bodies use it, how we spend our time, how serving sizes on food labels compare with the…  (National Institutes of Health)
  The Great Pandemic tells the story of the 1918 outbreak of the Spanish flu, which killed an estimated 675,000 Americans and 30 to 50 million people worldwide. Learn about life in the U.S. in 1918, the…  (Department of Health and Human Services)
  The Chemistry of Health tells how chemistry and biochemistry are increasing our understanding of human health. Learn how biochemical relays keep our organ systems operating, how food is broken down and used…  (National Institutes of Health)
  Looking Good, Feeling Good: From the Inside Out explores bone, muscle, and skin. Through seven lessons, students learn how the musculoskeletal and skin systems work, how cells contribute to each system, how the structure of bone…  (National Institutes of Health)
  How to Organize Your Teaching suggests ways to organize instruction to improve students’ ability to remember information, solve problems faster, understand abstract concepts, and transfer what they’ve learned to…  (Department of Education)
  Brain Anatomy explores major areas of the brain using this 3-dimensional model…  (WNET, supported by National Science Foundation)
  Powerful Girls, Powerful Bones: Quizzes invites us to find out what we know about powerful bones and see how bone-healthy we are right now…  (Multiple Agencies)
  ToxMystery features an animated game that helps elementary students learn about common household hazards. Students enter a house and go room to room, mousing over items, clicking on those that…  (National Library of Medicine)
  Environmental Health Perspectives is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. Learn about dengue, modifiers of health effects of air pollution, World Trade…  (Environmental Health Perspectives, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  National Library of Medicine is the entry point to the largest medical library in the world. Find answers to health questions, abstracts from 4300 biomedical journals, information about clinical research studies…  (National Institutes of Health)
  Environmental Health Science Education aims to increase student interest and preparation in the environmental health sciences so that they are aware of science career opportunities, and to increase public awareness about…  (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  Helping Children Prepare for Disasters helps kids put together a disaster supply kit, set up a family disaster plan, read about what they might feel in a disaster, learn about pet protection, read a series of stories about…  (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
  healthfinder ® is a gateway to consumer health and human services information. It offers health and well-being information on infants, children, teens, adults, and seniors, and looks at issues such…  (Department of Health and Human Services)
  Let’s Talk: Runaway Prevention Curriculum is designed to help educate youth about alternatives to running away. It is presented in 14 modules offering lessons to help teachers and community-based organizations lead…  (National Runaway Switchboard, supported by Department of Health and Human Services) provides food and nutrition information from across the federal government. Learn about smart nutrition, what’s in food, meal planning, shopping and cooking, weight management, life…  (Department of Agriculture)
  EPA’s SunWise Program provides activities to teach children (K-8th grade) about the ozone layer, UV radiation, and how to be safe in the sun. Sign up to receive a free activity kit and access to other…  (Environmental Protection Agency)
  National Youth Violence Prevention Resource Center is a central source of information on prevention and intervention programs, publications, research, and statistics on violence committed by and against children and teens…  (Multiple Agencies)
  Fire Administration Kids Page offers tips that can help children and families remain safe from fire. It discusses the importance of using and maintaining smoke alarms and shows how to draw up a family fire escape…  (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
  Children Youth and Families Education and Research Network (CYFERnet) links to practical, research-based information on children, youth, and families and draws on the resources from universities across the country. Topics include child and youth…  (Department of Agriculture)
  FEMA for Kids teaches children how to prepare for disasters and how to prevent disasters. Kids can also learn about different types and causes of disasters, share disaster stories, play games, read…  (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
  BAM! Body and Mind includes a Teacher’s Corner with middle school classroom activities based on national education standards for science and health. The site is designed to answer students’ questions on…  (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  InTime offers 400 video vignettes of pre K-12 teachers using technology in language arts, math, science, and other instruction. A conceptual model for analyzing the use of technology in…  (Department of Education)
  Emergency Planning for Schools is a one-stop website offering information that can help school leaders plan for any emergency, including natural disasters, violent incidents, and terrorist acts. Excerpts from a…  (Department of Education)
  Science Ambassador offers lesson plans on issues related to birth defects: fetal alcohol syndrome, hearing loss, vitamins, folic acid, cystic fibrosis, chromosome abnormalities, the bioethics of genetic…  (National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, supported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  FDA’s Kid’s Page includes a food safety quiz, a piece about how the FDA conducts its investigations, and pages about animals, vaccines, and tobacco. There are also specific pages designed for teens and…  (Food and Drug Administration)
  Calling All Students: Facts About Toxic Substances and the Environment provides information on toxic substances that may be found in our homes, schools, and neighborhoods. It provides links for kids, parents, and teachers to other government websites…  (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  healthfinder® kids is a place where kids can find information on protecting their bodies and minds. It offers more than 75 games and activities, information on safe web navigation, and a link to art…  (Department of Health and Human Services)
  Mine Safety and Health Administration Kid’s Page helps students, parents, and teachers understand how to prevent accidents at operating and abandoned mines. The site tells why mines are important and how minerals are essential to…  (Department of Labor)
  Science and Our Food Supply: Investigating Food Safety From Farm to Table offers middle and high school science teachers a free supplementary curriculum, “Science and Our Food Supply.” Middle and high school teachers are also invited to apply for an…  (Food and Drug Administration)
  Tips for Parents on Keeping Children Drug Free tells what your children should know about drugs by the time they reach the third grade, ways to help your child stay drug free in the middle and junior high school years, and how to…  (Department of Education)
  Tox Town is an interactive guide to toxic substances commonly found in water, rivers, offices, stores, schools, parks, homes, and factories. Substances include arsenic, asbestos, carbon…  (Multiple Agencies)
  TIPS4Youth is the online Tobacco Information and Prevention Source (TIPS) of the Centers for Disease Control. It provides fact sheets, videos, celebrity testimonials, educational materials, and…  (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  Medicines in My Home helps middle school students learn about the safe and effective use of over-the-counter medicines. It is designed for use in health education courses…  (Food and Drug Administration)
  National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Kids’ Pages teach children about the connection between their health and the environment and encourage the pursuit of careers in health, science, and the environment. The site includes…  (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, supported by National Institutes of Health)
  Disaster Resources for Parents and Teachers provides a list of disaster relief documents relating to preparation and early warning systems, making schools more disaster resistant, helping child victims of disasters, talking to…  (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
  What Disasters Are Happening Now? is a place where students can go to find out about natural disasters in the U.S. and FEMA’s efforts to control and combat them. The site links to general information on disasters…  (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
  Are You a Working Teen? informs working teenagers about their rights and safety responsibilities on the job, hazards they should watch out for, and the laws that protect them from doing dangerous work. It…  (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
  Kidd Safety features a quiz about safety at home and outdoors. There is a poster about how to prevent injuries, information about eliminating hazards in the home, and bicycle safety tips…  (Consumer Product Safety Commission)
  YouthRules! looks at issues surrounding teen safety on the job, child labor, minimum wage, sweat shops, and more…  (Department of Labor)
  Powerful Bones. Powerful Girls is designed to help girls learn how to build strong bones. The site features tips on yummy foods with calcium and fun ways to get the weight-bearing physical activity that helps build…  (Multiple Agencies)
  Fire Management, Everglades National Park describes how fire is used to maintain the biological diversity and natural processes of the pineland, prairie, and other ecosystems of the Everglades that are shaped by the…  (National Park Service)
  Learn About Chemicals Around Your House helps students answer questions about pesticides and toxic chemicals used around the house. It explains how to read labels and what to do in case of an accident. An online “home…  (Environmental Protection Agency)
  Healthy Start, Grow Smart provides parents of newborns information about checkups and shots, breastfeeding and bottle feeding, changing diapers, installing car seats, bathing, communicating, keeping a memory…  (Multiple Agencies)




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